Holiday Spirit

from $59.00

Spread holiday cheer with this festive bouquet featuring rich red roses, vibrant greenery, red and green carnations, crisp white daisies, and delicate baby's breath. Perfectly arranged and wrapped in elegant white or green paper with a red satin ribbon, this seasonal arrangement adds warmth and joy to your holiday celebrations.

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Spread holiday cheer with this festive bouquet featuring rich red roses, vibrant greenery, red and green carnations, crisp white daisies, and delicate baby's breath. Perfectly arranged and wrapped in elegant white or green paper with a red satin ribbon, this seasonal arrangement adds warmth and joy to your holiday celebrations.

Spread holiday cheer with this festive bouquet featuring rich red roses, vibrant greenery, red and green carnations, crisp white daisies, and delicate baby's breath. Perfectly arranged and wrapped in elegant white or green paper with a red satin ribbon, this seasonal arrangement adds warmth and joy to your holiday celebrations.